Chia­ra Morandi


Chia­ra Moran­di stu­di­ed the vio­lin under the super­vi­si­on of M° Andrea Tac­chi at the Con­ser­va­to­rio “L. Che­ru­bi­ni” in Flo­rence, whe­re, in June 2000, she gai­ned a diplo­ma with maxi­mum marks.

She con­tin­ued her stu­dies in Ger­ma­ny at the Frei­burg Musik­hoch­schu­le under the super­vi­si­on of Nico­las Chu­ma­chen­co. She achie­ved the Orches­ter­mu­si­ker Diplo­ma with maxi­mum marks in July 2001, and the Solis­ten Diplo­ma in Vio­lin in July 2003.

She took spe­cia­list cour­ses in vio­lin with Yulia Ber­ins­ka­ya and Sal­va­to­re Accar­do at the Cre­mo­na Acca­de­mia W. Stauf­fer and the Sie­na Acca­de­mia Chi­gi­a­na, and cour­ses in cham­ber music with Bru­no Cani­no, Alex­an­der Lon­quich, Roc­co Filip­pi­ni, the Trio di Tri­es­te, the Trio di Par­ma and the Trio Altenberg.

She has par­ti­ci­pa­ted in various natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons, achie­ving 15 first pri­zes, inclu­ding: the “V Ras­segna Musi­cale Miglio­ri Diplo­ma­ti d’Italia 2000, Cas­tro­ca­ro Ter­me” in 2001; the first pri­ze at the inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­on “Johan­nes Brahms”, Acqui Ter­me (AL) in 2002; and the first pri­ze at the inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­on “AMG-Clas­si­ca, Nuo­vi Talen­ti 2003”, Gen­e­va in 2003. In 2004, she recei­ved the Pre­mio Spe­cia­le for the best Ita­li­an com­pe­ti­tor at the Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on for vio­lin and orches­tra “Val­se­sia Musi­ca”, Varallo.

In 2006 she won the Com­pe­ti­ti­on for the Spal­la dei Secon­di Vio­li­ni at the ORT-Orches­tra Regio­na­le Tos­ca­na, a posi­ti­on which she still holds.

In 2009 she won the Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on for Vio­lin in the Tea­t­ro alla Sca­la of Milan.

She has work­ed often with various emi­nent orchestras as Con­cert­mas­ter, inclu­ding the Orches­tra del Tea­t­ro Car­lo Feli­ce, Gen­oa. From 2007, thanks to Sal­va­to­re Accar­do, she has held the posi­ti­on of Spal­la dei Secon­di Vio­li­ni with the Orches­tra da Came­ra Ita­lia­na foun­ded by Lui Stes­so. In 2012 she per­for­med with this Orches­tra on Fabio Fazio’s pro­gram­me “Che tem­po che fa” on RAI 3.

She has taken part in more than a thousand con­certs inclu­ding num­e­rous reci­tals and solo per­for­man­ces throug­hout Europe.

She has per­for­med as a soloist with the ORT-Orches­tra Regio­na­le Tos­ca­na, the Orches­tra Fes­ti­val Puc­ci­ni, the Mihail Jora di Bacau, the Jun­ge Kam­mer-Phil­har­mo­nie, Frei­burg, the MHS Orches­ter Frei­burg, inter­pre­ting, among other pie­ces, Beethoven’s Con­cer­to op.61, Mendelssohn’s op.64, the n.3 Op. 61 of Saint-Saens, Brahms’ Con­cert op.77 and dou­ble Con­cer­to op. 102. In Novem­ber 2011 she had the honour of hol­ding a reci­tal of Paganini’s music with the renow­ned Ame­ri­can gui­ta­rist Eli­ot Fisk, and in March 2014 will per­form with the cele­bra­ted pia­nist Bru­no Cani­no in the exe­cu­ti­on of Schoenberg’s Pier­rot Lunaire.

In March 2012 she was invi­ted to take part as soloist in J.S. Bach’s con­cer­tos for vio­lin and orches­tra at the first Fes­ti­val Inter­na­zio­na­le “World­Bach Fest” orga­nis­ed by Mario Ruf­fi­ni and Ramin Bahrami.

Along­side a care­er as an instru­men­ta­list, she has pur­sued with gre­at pas­si­on that of tea­ching. She has taught vio­lin at the Con­ser­va­to­rio Sta­ta­le “G. Puc­ci­ni”, La Spe­zia, and at the Con­ser­va­to­rio Sta­ta­le “F. Ghe­di­ni”, Cuneo, and curr­ent­ly holds the tea­ching post for vio­lin at the Isti­tu­to Musi­cale Par­eggi­a­to “P. Mas­ca­gni”, Livorno.

She has held seve­ral mas­ter­clas­ses for vio­lin, inclu­ding a half-year­ly one at the Acca­de­mia Musi­cale of Pon­te­de­ra, and sin­ce 2012 a sum­mer mas­ter­class as part of the Fes­ti­val Musi­cale Inter­na­zio­na­le of the Acca­de­mia di Ber­tino­ro (FC), at which she also per­for­med in duet with the pia­nist Pier Nar­ciso Masi.

In Sep­tem­ber 2009 she also gai­ned a diplo­ma with maxi­mum marks in vio­la, hono­urs, and the Men­zio­ne d’Onore at the Insti­tu­to Musi­cale Par­eggi­a­to “P. Mas­ca­gni”, Livor­no. In 2010 she won an audi­tion for first vio­la with the ORT-Orches­tra Regio­na­le Toscana.

Recent­ly she won the audi­tion for the role of Con­cert­mas­ter at the Orches­tra of Tea­t­ro “Car­lo Feli­ce” in Genoa.

Zu Gast bei ORSO

  • Neu­jahrs­kon­zert 2015